11 Kommentare

  1. Hi and thank you for the highlight! Also, sorry if I write in English, my german is not up to level (but I am learning!).
    Slayers Magazine will deal mainly with Dungeonslayers, but it will talk about other RPGs published in Italy (mainly by our firm, Wild Boar Publishing), such as Traveller, WitchCraft and, in the future, Space 1889.
    It will be free, but it is a prozine (not a fanzine), meaning that most material will be under copyright of some sort; that said, we will be happy to give permission for translations where possible.
    The magazine will be available in the last week of september.
    Have fun!
    Luca Volpino
    Wild Boar Publishing


  2. Das ist wirklich ein Highlight. Ich verstehe zwar kein Wort, aber ich finde es faszinierend wie sehr sich dieses Rollenspielsystem in anderen Sprachregionen etabliert.


  3. Hi wildboaredizioni! We wish you a lot of downloads and fans with your mag. Also congratulate for publishing Space 1889, this is a cool game! Your Zine is in the category „Fanzine“ because I publish the news in the category „SLAY“, the german Dungeonslayers-Fanzine. Maybe we can translate some of yout DS-articles, some (less) DS-fans speaking Italy …

    @Backalive: Absolut!


  4. Greifenklaue – I’ll be happy to exchange articles, how can I contact you direct? I couldn’t find a „Contact“ page on the blog…


  5. Also, wenn Du mal in ne Rollenspielbox reinschnupern willst, nimm die Aborea-Box, die ist ne gute Wahl. Für 20 Euro erhälst Du viel Material, welches zudem einsteigertauglich ist. Ansonsten ist Dungeonslayers immer eine gute, von mir gern genutze Alternative (www-dungeonslayers.de)


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